- Good for anti-depressant
- Highly rejuvenating
- Aid in perserving beauty and youth
- Reduces cholesterol levels
- Aid in hormonal imbalance
- Rich in VITAMIN C & PRIMROSE OIL (two ingredients great for the skin)
Put 3-4 rose buds in a cup of boiling water and leave to infuse for about 10 minutes
It has a very light refreshing taste, it is also mildly sweet. Nothing too overpowering.
Verdict - 3 out of 5 lippies
I feel healthier when drinking the tea, but it might be all psychological. I have only been drinking it for the last two days so I dont think the effect can be seen straight away.
It taste good, it looks pretty and it is supposedly good for my well-being and my skin - I'll keep drinking it!!
I wouldnt mind visiting the shop again to purchase more teas. My friend told me that I could get these "special" teas at local supermarkets at a cheaper price, but I rather purchase from the shop. Although a little pricy, they seem to know what they are selling and their products seem authentic. Supermarket ones might not be as authentic.
La Bella Vita
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