Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Skin Skin Skin

Heya Dollies,

Why am I so freaking obsessed with my skin. Seriously its an addiction. I am so sick of it! Ok I am lying, I love being obsessed about my skin. If only it was worth obsessing about. Anyhues, I went to a nearby mall a few days ago and chanced upon this ACNE thingy called Thermaclear Acne Device. Its soooooooo something I NEED. NOT A WANT A NEED.

BEHOLD - MY WISHLIST FOR THIS WEEK...(changes quite often)

What is it? (All info taken from
ThermaClear is the first acne clearing device in Australia. Using thermal energy to kill acne-causing bacteria, ThermaClear clears blemishes and pimples upto 4 times faster than leaving them untreated.
How does it work?
ThermaClear uses a short, controlled, and very targeted pulse of heat to neutralize the bacteria that causes the pimple, allowing it to heal faster. The thermal pulse triggers a dual-action response, neutralizing acne-causing bacteria from above, while also stimulating the body’s own acne fighting proteins from below. This dual mechanism fights pimples on two fronts, clearing them in as little as 24 hours.
I guess just zap the machine on your zit...heh...I am not sure YET...I am so determine to get it. (Oooo i heard it hurts when you zap your zits...that sounds promising O_0)
Sadly...its AUS$ I really need to save for this one...BUT I i said...I NEED IT
Anyone wanna donate AUS$200.00? I'll accept!!! Hahahaha..mummy? hahahaha...j/k...
A relatively long but insightful review on this little must have. I want it so badly.
Till Then my little beauty babies
La Belle Vita


Melbourne Doctor said...

A lot more info and Gr8 videos about this

yvonne said...

hey babe! Yay, I found your blog. I'm placing the link on my blog. I miss you!! Thanks for the beauty tips. Can you post some that require 0 dollar please. ;)